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инструмент_gitlab [2022/06/20 09:00]
val [GitLab CI/CD]
инструмент_gitlab [2024/02/05 18:56]
val [Клиент OpenID]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Инструмент GitLab ====== ====== Инструмент GitLab ======
 +  * [[https://​​wiki/​GitLab - Википедия]]
   * [[https://​​n_21ya2MoKg|Youtube. RomNero. GitLab. Devops система]]   * [[https://​​n_21ya2MoKg|Youtube. RomNero. GitLab. Devops система]]
Line 5: Line 7:
 ===== Установка ===== ===== Установка =====
 +  * RAM от 4Gb
 +==== Если нужен почтовый сервер ====
 +server# time ansible-playbook conf/​ansible/​roles/​mail.yml
 +real    2m57.922s
 +# cat /​etc/​apache2/​ports.conf
 +Listen 81
 +server# service apache2 restart
 +==== Установка из репозитория ====
   * [[https://​​install/​|Install self-managed GitLab]]   * [[https://​​install/​|Install self-managed GitLab]]
   * Доступно из РФ: [[https://​​gitlab/​gitlab-ce]]   * Доступно из РФ: [[https://​​gitlab/​gitlab-ce]]
 +  * [[http://​gate.isp.un/​unix/​Git/​gitlab-ce_16.3.3-ce.0_amd64.deb]]
-  * [[https://​​configure-custom-ssl-to-secure-gitlab-server/​|Configure Custom SSL to Secure GitLab Server]]+<​code>​ 
 +server# apt-get install ​-y curl ca-certificates perl
 +server# curl https://​​install/​repositories/​gitlab/​gitlab-ce/​ | bash
 +server# time EXTERNAL_URL="​http://​server.corpX.un"​ apt-get install gitlab-ce
 +real    38m49.787s ​ !!! Загрузка может прерываться,​ надо повторять команду !!!
 +==== Установка через docker-compose ====
 +  * [[https://​​ee/​install/​docker.html#​install-gitlab-using-docker-compose|Install GitLab using Docker Compose]]
 +  * [[Технология Docker]]
 +  * [[Технология Docker#​docker-compose]]
 +# cat docker-compose.yml
 +version: '​3.6'​
 +  web:
 +    image: '​gitlab/​gitlab-ce:​latest'​
 +    restart: always
 +    hostname: '​server.corpX.un'​
 +    environment:​
 +      GITLAB_ROOT_PASSWORD:​ "​strongpassword"​
 +        external_url '​http://​server.corpX.un'​
 +#        gitlab_rails['​initial_root_password'​] = '​strongpassword'​
 +#        registry_external_url '​http://​server.corpX.un'​
 +#        gitlab_rails['​registry_enabled'​] = true
 +#        gitlab_rails['​registry_host'​] = "​server.corpX.un"​
 +#        gitlab_rails['​registry_port'​] = "​5000"​
 +#        registry['​registry_http_addr'​] = "​server.corpX.un:​5000"​
 +#        prometheus_monitoring['​enable'​] = false
 +#        external_url '​https://​​8443'​
 +#        registry_external_url '​https://​​5050'​
 +    ports:
 +      - '​80:​80'​
 +#      - '​8443:​8443'​
 +      - '​2222:​22'​
 +      - '​5000:​5000'​
 +#      - '​5050:​5050'​
 +    volumes:
 +      - '/​etc/​gitlab:/​etc/​gitlab'​
 +      - '/​srv/​gitlab/​logs:/​var/​log/​gitlab'​
 +      - '/​srv/​gitlab/​data:/​var/​opt/​gitlab'​
 +    shm_size: '​256m'​
 +# ### cat /​etc/​gitlab/​ssl/​{crt,​key}
 +# docker-compose up -d
 +# docker logs root_web_1 -n 10 -f
 +### docker-compose stop
 +### rm -r /​srv/​gitlab/​ /​etc/​gitlab/​
 +===== Подключение =====
 +==== Подключение к Web интерфейсу =====
 +  * http://​server.corpX.un/​
 +==== Подключение через API ====
 +  * Токен доступа:​ Settings -> Access Tokens ([[https://​​ee/​user/​project/​settings/​project_access_tokens.html|Project access tokens]]), в примере достаточно role: Reporter, Scopes: api
 +  * Номер проекта:​ Settings -> General ([[https://​​questions/​39559689/​where-do-i-find-the-project-id-for-the-gitlab-api|Where do I find the project ID for the GitLab API?]])
 +  * [[https://​​questions/​56943327/​how-to-download-a-single-file-from-gitlab|How to download a single file from GitLab?]]
 +root@node1,​2,​3:​~#​ curl "​http://​server.corpX.un/​api/​v4/​projects/​2/​repository/​files/​docker-compose.yml/​raw?​ref=master"​ | tee docker-compose.yml
 +  или, для НЕ публичных проектов
 +root@node1,​2,​3:​~#​ curl --header "​PRIVATE-TOKEN:​ NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"​ "​http://​server.corpX.un/​api/​v4/​projects/​4/​repository/​files/​docker-compose.yml/​raw?​ref=master"​ | tee docker-compose.yml
 +  * [[Сервис Ansible#​ansible-pull]]
 +client1:​~/​ansible-pull-gpo#​ cat
 +sudo -i
 +export BR=main; bash <(curl -s http://​gate.corp13.un/​api/​v4/​projects/​1/​repository/​files/​​raw?​ref=$BR)
 ===== Настройка ===== ===== Настройка =====
 +==== Файл конфигурации ====
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 # cat /​etc/​gitlab/​gitlab.rb # cat /​etc/​gitlab/​gitlab.rb
 +external_url '​http://​server.corpX.un'​
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-==== GitLab Runner ​====+==== Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск ​====
-  * [[https://​​runner/​install/​linux-manually.html|Install GitLab Runner manually on GNU/Linux]]+<​code>​ 
 +### docker exec -it root_web_1 bash
-  * [[https://​​@ryzmen/​gitlab-fast-pipelines-stages-jobs-c51c829b9aa1|GitLab:​ understanding pipelines, stages, jobs and organising them efficiently for speed and feedback loop]]+gitlab-ctl show-config
 +# time gitlab-ctl reconfigure
 +real    2m34.726s
 +==== GitLab Docker Registry ====
 +  * [[https://​​ee/​administration/​packages/​container_registry.html|The Container Registry is automatically enabled and available on your GitLab domain, port 5050 if you’re using the built-in Let’s Encrypt integration]]
 +  * [[https://​​insecure-gitlab-registry/​|Настройка работы Gitlab с registry без ssl - Sysadmin]]
 +# cat /​etc/​gitlab/​gitlab.rb
 +registry_external_url '​http://​server.corpX.un'​
 +gitlab_rails['​registry_enabled'​] = true
 +gitlab_rails['​registry_host'​] = "​server.corpX.un"​
 +gitlab_rails['​registry_port'​] = "​5000"​
 +registry['​registry_http_addr'​] = "​server.corpX.un:​5000"​
 +  * [[#​Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск]]
 +==== GitLab Grafana ====
 +# cat /​etc/​gitlab/​gitlab.rb
 +grafana['​http_addr'​] = '​'​
 +  * [[#​Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск]]
 +==== GitLab Prometheus ====
 +# cat /​etc/​gitlab/​gitlab.rb
 +prometheus_monitoring['​enable'​] = false
 +  * [[#​Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск]]
 +# time rm -rf /​var/​opt/​gitlab/​prometheus/​data/​*
 +==== Включение TLS ====
 +  * [[https://​​omnibus/​settings/​ssl.html#​configure-https-manually|Configure HTTPS manually]]
 +  * [[https://​​configure-custom-ssl-to-secure-gitlab-server/​|Configure Custom SSL to Secure GitLab Server]]
 +# mkdir /​etc/​gitlab/​ssl/​
 +# cp wild.crt /​etc/​gitlab/​ssl/​$(hostname).crt
 +# cp wild.key /​etc/​gitlab/​ssl/​$(hostname).key
 +# cat /​etc/​gitlab/​gitlab.rb
 +external_url '​https://​server.corpX.un'​
 +# nginx['​ssl_certificate'​] = "/​etc/​gitlab/​ssl/#​{node['​fqdn'​]}.crt"​
 +# nginx['​ssl_certificate_key'​] = "/​etc/​gitlab/​ssl/#​{node['​fqdn'​]}.key"​
 +letsencrypt['​enable'​] = false
 +  * [[#​Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск]]
 +==== Управление пользователями ====
 +=== Внутренние пользователи ===
 +  * Username - login, Name - ФИО
 +# cat /​etc/​gitlab/​initial_root_password
 +  * [[https://​​questions/​60062065/​gitlab-initial-root-password|gitlab initial root password reset]]
 +# gitlab-rake "​gitlab:​password:​reset[root]"​
 +=== Использование LDAP ===
 +  * [[https://​​ee/​administration/​auth/​ldap/​index.html|Integrate LDAP with GitLab]]
 +  * [[Установка и настройка OpenLDAP]]
 +  * [[Хранение учетных записей UNIX в LDAP]] !!! с атрибутом почты и паролем
 +# cat /​etc/​gitlab/​gitlab.rb
 +gitlab_rails['​ldap_enabled'​] = true
 +gitlab_rails['​ldap_servers'​] = YAML.load <<​-'​EOS'​
 +  main:
 +    label: '​LDAP'​
 +    host: '​server.corpX.un'​
 +#    host: '​server2.corpX.un'​
 +    port: 389
 +#    uid: '​uid'​
 +    uid: '​sAMAccountName'​
 +#    bind_dn: '​cn=admin,​dc=corpX,​dc=un'​
 +#    password: '​secret'​
 +    bind_dn: '​cn=Administrator,​cn=Users,​dc=corpX,​dc=un'​
 +    password: '​Pa$$w0rd'​
 +    encryption: '​plain'​
 +#    active_directory:​ false
 +    active_directory:​ true
 +    base: '​dc=corpX,​dc=un'​
 +  * [[#​Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск]]
 +===== GitLab Runner =====
 +==== Установка из пакета ====
 +  * [[https://​​runner/​install/​linux-manually.html|Install GitLab Runner manually on GNU/Linux]]
   * [[https://​​unix/​Git/​gitlab-runner_amd64.deb]] (15.0.0) ​   * [[https://​​unix/​Git/​gitlab-runner_amd64.deb]] (15.0.0) ​
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-root@node2:​~# gitlab-runner ​register +apt install ​gitlab-runner ​  # достаточно для ​shell executor но не отображает команды ci/cd в gitlab
-root@node2:~# cat /​etc/​gitlab-runner/​config.toml+или 
 +# wget http://​gate.isp.un/​unix/​Git/​gitlab-runner_amd64.deb 
 +##2 часа## curl -LJO "​https://​​latest/​deb/​gitlab-runner_amd64.deb"​ 
 +# dpkg -i gitlab-runner_amd64.deb 
 +==== Регистрация ==== 
 +# gitlab-runner register --help 
 +# export CI_SERVER_URL=http://​server.corpX.un 
 +# gitlab-runner register 
 +Enter the GitLab instance URL: http://​server.corpX.un 
 +Enter the registration token: ... 
 +Enter tags for the runner: dhcptest, dhcpdeploy 
 +  или 
 +Enter tags for the runner: openvpn1deploy 
 +Enter an executor: shell 
 +# gitlab-runner register -n --executor "​shell"​ -u http://​server.corp13.un -r "​NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"​ 
 +Перезапускать не нужно 
 +# cat /​etc/​gitlab-runner/​config.toml
 log_level = "​debug"​ log_level = "​debug"​
 ... ...
 +# systemctl restart gitlab-runner
 +# gitlab-runner verify
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-  * Технология Docker [[Технология Docker#​Предоставление прав непривилегированным пользователям]]+ 
 +==== Установка в виде контейнера ==== 
 +  * [[https://​​ru/​companies/​cloud4y/​articles/​710782/​|Использование Docker in Docker в GitLab]] 
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-root@node2:~# systemctl start gitlab-runner+gate:~### rm /srv/gitlab-runner/​config/​config.toml 
 +gate:~# docker run -d --name gitlab-runner --restart always \ 
 +  -v /​srv/​gitlab-runner/​config:/​etc/​gitlab-runner \ 
 +  -v /​var/​run/​docker.sock:/​var/​run/​docker.sock \ 
 +  gitlab/​gitlab-runner:​latest
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-==== GitLab CI/CD ====+=== Регистрация DooD === 
 +  * Включаем Docker [[Технология Docker#​Insecure Private Registry]] 
 +gate:~# docker run --rm -v /​srv/​gitlab-runner/​config:/​etc/​gitlab-runner gitlab/​gitlab-runner register \ 
 +  --non-interactive \ 
 +  --url "​http://​server.corpX.un/"​ \ 
 +  --registration-token "​NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"​ \ 
 +  --executor "​docker"​ \ 
 +  --docker-image "​docker:​stable"​ \ 
 +  --docker-volumes /​var/​run/​docker.sock:/​var/​run/​docker.sock \ 
 +  --description "​dood-runner"​ 
 +=== Регистрация DinD === 
 +  * Можно отключить Docker [[Технология Docker#​Insecure Private Registry]] 
 +gate:~# docker run --rm -v /​srv/​gitlab-runner/​config:/​etc/​gitlab-runner gitlab/​gitlab-runner register \ 
 +  --non-interactive \ 
 +  --url "​http://​server.corpX.un/"​ \ 
 +  --registration-token "​NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN"​ \ 
 +  --executor "​docker"​ \ 
 +  --docker-image "​docker:​stable"​ \ 
 +  --docker-privileged \ 
 +  --description "​dind-runner"​ 
 +gate:~# docker volume ls 
 +gate:~# docker volume inspect ... 
 +===== GitLab CI/CD =====
   * [[https://​​ee/​ci/​examples/#​cicd-templates|CI/​CD templates]]   * [[https://​​ee/​ci/​examples/#​cicd-templates|CI/​CD templates]]
 +  * [[https://​​@ryzmen/​gitlab-fast-pipelines-stages-jobs-c51c829b9aa1|GitLab:​ understanding pipelines, stages, jobs and organising them efficiently for speed and feedback loop]]
 +  * [[https://​​questions/​64725914/​how-to-disable-auto-pipelines-in-gitlab|How to disable auto pipelines in gitlab]]
 +==== Пример shell make ====
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-student@gate:~/dhcp$ cat .gitlab-ci.yml+IDE GitLab->​New File: .gitlab-ci.yml 
 +CI/CD -> Editor -> Configure Pipelines 
 +Build -> Pipeline editor -> Configure Pipelines
 </​code><​code>​ </​code><​code>​
 +#  - build 
 +#  - test 
 +#  - deploy 
   stage: test   stage: test
   script:   script:
Line 53: Line 396:
     - dhcptest     - dhcptest
   stage: deploy   stage: deploy
   script:   script:
Line 60: Line 403:
   tags:   tags:
     - dhcpdeploy     - dhcpdeploy
 +==== Пример shell ansible ====
 +  * [[https://​​blog/​gitlab-ci-limit-branch|Limit Gitlab CI pipelines to specific branches]]
 +  * [[https://​​questions/​52169219/​get-branch-name-in-gitlab-ci|Get Branch name in gitlab ci]]
 +Administrator@Ra-master ~/openvpn1 (test)
 +λ touch .gitlab-ci.yml
 +  или
 +Build -> Pipeline editor -> Configure Pipelines
 </​code><​code>​ </​code><​code>​
-vagrant@node1:~/project1cat .gitlab-ci.yml+deploy_test: 
 +  stage: deploy 
 +  script: 
 +    - echo $(date) "​Deploy TEST openvpn1"​ >> ​/tmp/​Bash.gitlab-ci.log 
 +    - ansible-playbook openvpn1.yaml -i inventory.yaml -e "​variable_host=test_nodes"​ 
 +  tags: 
 +    - openvpn1deploy 
 +  only: 
 +    - test 
 +  stage: deploy 
 +  script: 
 +    - echo $(date) "​Deploy PROD openvpn1"​ >> /tmp/Bash.gitlab-ci.log 
 +    - ansible-playbook openvpn1.yaml -i inventory.yaml 
 +  tags: 
 +    - openvpn1deploy 
 +  only: 
 +#    - master 
 +#    - main 
 +==== Пример shell docker ==== 
 +  * Технология Docker [[Технология Docker#​Предоставление прав непривилегированным пользователям]] 
 +  * [[https://​​ee/​ci/​docker/​using_docker_build.html|Use Docker to build Docker images]] 
 +  * [[https://​​ee/​ci/​variables/​predefined_variables.html|Predefined variables reference]] 
 +  * [[https://​​ee/​ci/​variables/#​add-a-cicd-variable-to-a-project|Add a CI/CD variable to a project]] 
 +# Надо назначить в GitLab (Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables) 
 +export MY_CI_REGISTRY=server.corpX.un:​5000  
 +export MY_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE=student/​webd 
 +# Можно использовать встроенные CI_REGISTRY и CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE  
 +# поскольку используем этот же проект GitLab как registry 
 +# в GitLab будет устанавлено автоматически 
 +export CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE="​ver 1.2" ​   
 +gitlab-runner@server:​~/​webd$ cat
 </​code><​code>​ </​code><​code>​
-  stage: ​test+ 
 +VER="​$(echo $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE | sed '​s/​[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]//​g'​)"​ 
 +# need only one time 
 +docker build -t webd webd 
 +#docker build --no-cache -t webd webd 
 +#docker tag webd $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:​$VER 
 +#docker tag webd $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE 
 +# previously need: docker login ... 
 +#docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:​$VER 
 +#docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE 
 +gitlab-runner@server:​~/​webd$ cat .gitlab-ci.yml 
 +  - lintertest 
 +  - build 
 +#  - deploy 
 +  stage: ​lintertest
   script:   script:
-    - echo $(date) "Do a test here" >> /​tmp/​Bash.gitlab-ci.log+    - echo $(date) "Do a test webd here" >> /​tmp/​Bash.gitlab-ci.log
     - shellcheck webd/webd     - shellcheck webd/webd
   tags:   tags:
     - shellcheck     - shellcheck
-  stage: ​deploy+  stage: ​build
   script:   script:
-    - echo $(date) "​Do ​your deploy ​here" >> /​tmp/​Bash.gitlab-ci.log +    - echo $(date) "​Do ​a build webd here" >> /​tmp/​Bash.gitlab-ci.log 
-    - docker-compose up -d+   ​- ​env | tee /​tmp/​Bash.gitlab-ci.log 
 +    ​sh
   tags:   tags:
-    - webddeploy +    - webdbuild
-==== Управление пользователями ====+#deploy1: 
 +#  stage: deploy 
 +#  script: 
 +#    - echo $(date) "Do your deploy webd to k8s here" >> /​tmp/​Bash.gitlab-ci.log 
 +#    - sh 
 +#  tags: 
 +#    - webddeploy
-=== Использование LDAP ===+### OR .gitlab-ci.yml for gowebd-k8s project running from another pipeline ###
-  * [[https://​​ee/​administration/​auth/ldap/index.html|Integrate LDAP with GitLab]] +#deploy1: 
-  * [[Установка и настройка OpenLDAP]] +#  stage: deploy 
-  * [[Хранение учетных записей UNIX в LDAP]] !!! с атрибутом почты и паролем+#  variables:​ 
 +#    HELM_NAMESPACE:​ "​my-ns"​ 
 +#  rules: 
 +#    - if: '​$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "​pipeline"​ && $VER'​ 
 +#  script: 
 +#    - env 
 +#    - envsubst < my-webd-deployment-env.yaml | kubectl apply -f - -n my-ns 
 +#    - helm upgrade -i my-webd webd-chart--set=image.tag=$VER --create-namespace 
 +==== Пример shell Kubernetes ====
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-# cat /etc/​gitlab/​gitlab.rb+gitlab-runner@server:​~/webd$ cp my-webd-deployment.yaml my-webd-deployment-env.yaml 
 +  или 
 +gitlab-runner@server:​~/gowebd-k8s$ scp root@node1:​my-webd-deployment.yaml my-webd-deployment-env.yaml 
 +gitlab-runner@server:​~/​webd$ cat my-webd-deployment-env.yaml
 </​code><​code>​ </​code><​code>​
 ... ...
-gitlab_rails['​ldap_enabled'​] = true +        image: server.corpX.un:​5000/​student/​webd:$VER
- +
-gitlab_rails['​ldap_servers'​] = YAML.load <<​-'​EOS'​ +
-  main: +
-    label: '​LDAP'​ +
-    host: 'server.corpX.un+
-    port389 +
-#    port636 +
-    uid: '​uid'​ +
-    bind_dn: '​cn=admin,​dc=corpX,​dc=un'​ +
-    password: '​secret'​ +
-    encryption: '​plain'​ +
-#    encryption: '​simple_tls'​ +
-    active_directory:​ false +
-    base: '​ou=People,​dc=corpX,​dc=un'​+
 ... ...
 </​code><​code>​ </​code><​code>​
-# gitlab-ctl reconfigure+в GitLab будет устанавлено автоматически 
 +gitlab-runner@gate:​~/​webd$ export CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE="​ver 1.2" 
 +gitlab-runner@gate:​~/​webd$ cat 
 +#alias kubectl='​minikube kubectl --' 
 +kubectl apply -f my-webd-deployment.yaml -n my-ns 
 +#export VER="​$(echo $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE | sed '​s/​[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]//​g'​)"​ 
 +#envsubst < my-webd-deployment-env.yaml | kubectl apply -f - -n my-ns 
 +kubectl apply -f my-webd-service.yaml -n my-ns 
 +#export HELM_NAMESPACE=my-ns 
 +#helm upgrade --install my-webd webd-chart/ --set=image.tag=$VER --create-namespace 
 +gitlab-runner@server:​~/​$ kubectl describe replicaset.apps/​my-webd-NNNNNNNNNNN -n my-ns
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +==== Пример CI с использованием контейнеров ====
-==== Сервер OAuth2 ====+  * [[https://​​build-golang-docker-images-with-gitlab-ci-pipelines-2117f8505350|Build Golang Docker images with GitLab CI Pipelines]] 
 +  * [[https://​​building-docker-images-with-gitlab-ci-best-practices/​|Best practices for building docker images with GitLab CI]]
-  * !!! URL без финального "/" !!!+  * [[https://​​questions/​63693061/​how-to-run-a-script-from-file-in-another-project-using-include-in-gitlab-ci|How to run a script from file in another project using include in GitLab CI?]] 
 +  * [[https://​​@captain_sparrow/​gitlab-%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B3%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%8B-%D0%B8-%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%85-%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2-%D0%B8%D1%85-%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%82-%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C-afa04f8c78a7|Gitlab триггеры и для каких тестов их стоит использовать?​]] 
 +  * [[https://​​blog/​docker-vs-buildah-vs-kaniko/​|Container Image Build Tools: Docker vs. Buildah vs. kaniko]] 
 +  * [[https://​​ee/​ci/​docker/​using_kaniko.html|Use kaniko to build Docker images]] 
 +  * [[https://​​blog/​a-tale-of-two-container-image-tools-skopeo-and-crane/|A Tale of Two Container Image Tools: Skopeo and Crane]]
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-Admin Area-> Applications-> val-auth-test +student@client1:​~/​gowebd$ cat .gitlab-ci.yml 
-  ​Callback URL +</code><​code>​ 
-  ​TrustedYes+stages: 
 +  - build 
 +  - push 
 +#  - deploy 
 +#  - name: docker:​dind 
 +#    command: 
 +#      [ 
 +#        '​--insecure-registry=server.corpX.un:​5000',​ 
 +#      ] 
 +  - env 
 +#  - docker info 
 +  - echo -n $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD | docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER --password-stdin $CI_REGISTRY 
 +  stage: build 
 +#  image: 
 +#    name:​kaniko-project/​executor:​v1.9.0-debug 
 +#    entrypoint: [""​] 
 +  script: 
 +    - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:​latest || true 
 +    ​- > 
 +      docker build 
 +      ​--pull 
 +      --cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:​latest 
 +      . 
 +    - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:​$CI_COMMIT_SHA 
 +#    - echo "​{\"​auths\":​{\"​${CI_REGISTRY}\":​{\"​auth\":​\"​$(printf "​%s:​%s"​ "​${CI_REGISTRY_USER}"​ "​${CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}"​ | base64 | tr -d '​\n'​)\"​},​\"​$CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_SERVER\":​{\"​auth\":​\"​$(printf "​%s:​%s"​ ${CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_USER} "​${CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_PASSWORD}"​ | base64 | tr -d '​\n'​)\"​}}}"​ > /​kaniko/​.docker/​config.json 
 +#    - /​kaniko/​executor 
 +#      --insecure --skip-tls-verify 
 +#      --context "​${CI_PROJECT_DIR}"​ 
 +#      --dockerfile "​${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/​Dockerfile"​ 
 +#      --destination "​${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:​${CI_COMMIT_SHA}"​ 
 +Push latest: 
 + image: 
 +#    entrypoint: [""​] 
 +  variables:​ 
 +    GIT_STRATEGY:​ none 
 +  stage: push 
 +  only: 
 +    - main 
 +  script: 
 +    - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:​$CI_COMMIT_SHA 
 +    - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:​latest 
 +#    - crane auth login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY 
 +#    - crane --insecure cp $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:​$CI_COMMIT_SHA $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:​latest 
 +Push tag: 
 +#  image: 
 +#    name:​crane:​debug 
 +#    entrypoint: [""​] 
 +  variables:​ 
 +    GIT_STRATEGY:​ none 
 +  stage: push 
 +  only: 
 +    - tags 
 +  script: 
 +    - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:​$CI_COMMIT_SHA 
 +    - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:​$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME 
 +#   - crane auth login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER ​-p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY 
 + variables: 
 +#    VER: "​$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"​ 
 +#  stage: deploy 
 +#  only: 
 +#    - tags 
 +#  trigger: 
 +#    project: student/​gowebd-k8s
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +===== Сервер OpenID =====
 +  * [[https://​​zmartzone/​mod_auth_openidc/​wiki/​GitLab-OAuth2]]
 +  * [[Сервис HTTP#​Управление доступом к HTTP серверу с использованием OpenID аутентификации]]
 +  * Admin Area-> Applications
 +Name: test-cgi
 +Redirect URI: http://​gate.corp13.un/​cgi-bin/​test-cgi ​ !!! Если URL каталога,​ то без финального "/"​ !!!
 +Trusted: Yes
 +Confidential:​ Yes
 +Scopes: openid
 +Application ID: ...
 +Secret: ...
 +Callback URL = Redirect URI
 +===== Клиент OpenID =====
 +  * [[https://​​ee/​administration/​auth/​oidc.html|You can use GitLab as a client application with OpenID Connect as an OmniAuth provider]]
 +  * [[https://​​gitlab-org/​gitlab/​-/​issues/​196193|use self-signed to integate gitlab with keycloak but see error: certificate verify failed (self signed certificate))]]
 +  * [[https://​​t/​using-keycloak-as-sso-for-gitlab-with-pre-existing-users-no-autocreate/​67833|Using Keycloak as SSO for Gitlab with pre-existing users (no autocreate)]]
 +# cp server.crt /​etc/​gitlab/​trusted-certs/​
 +  или
 +# cp ca.crt /​etc/​gitlab/​trusted-certs/​
 +# cat /​etc/​gitlab/​gitlab.rb
 +gitlab_rails['​omniauth_providers'​] = [
 +  {
 +    name: "​openid_connect",​ # do not change this parameter
 +    label: "​Keycloak",​ # optional label for login button, defaults to "​Openid Connect"​
 +    args: {
 +      name: "​openid_connect",​
 +      scope: ["​openid",​ "​profile",​ "​email"​],​
 +      response_type:​ "​code",​
 +#     ​issuer: ​ "​https://​​realms/​myrealm",​
 +      issuer: ​ "​https://​keycloak.corpX.un/​realms/​corpX",​
 +      client_auth_method:​ "​query",​
 +      discovery: true,
 +      uid_field: "​preferred_username",​
 +      pkce: true,
 +      client_options:​ {
 +#        identifier: "<​YOUR CLIENT ID>",​
 +        identifier: "​any-client",​
 +#        secret: "<​YOUR CLIENT SECRET>",​
 +        secret: "​anystring",​
 +#        redirect_uri:​ "​https://​​users/​auth/​openid_connect/​callback"​
 +        redirect_uri:​ "​https://​gate.corpX.un/​users/​auth/​openid_connect/​callback"​
 +      }
 +    }
 +  }
инструмент_gitlab.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/13 08:39 by val