====== Технология Cloud-init ====== * [[https://spacevm.ru/docs/6.5/base/operator_guide/domains/cloud_init/|Cloud-init - это программа, запускающаяся на ВМ при загрузке]] * [[https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/qemu.html|Core tutorial with QEMU]] пример smbios * [[https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/0.7.7/topics/datasources.html#no-cloud|Datasources - No cloud]] user-data and meta-data files * [[https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/datasources/nocloud.html|Datasources - NoCloud]] filesystem volume labelled CIDATA * [[https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/modules.html|Module reference]] * [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23065673/how-to-re-run-cloud-init-without-reboot|How to re-run cloud-init without reboot]] # cat meta-data local-hostname: node1 # cat network-config version: 2 ethernets: # ens3: enp1s0: dhcp4: true # dhcp4: false # addresses: # - 192.168.X.201/24 # routes: # - to: default # via: 192.168.X.1 # nameservers: # search: [isp.un, corpX.un] # addresses: [192.168.X.10] # cat user-data #cloud-config ssh_pwauth: True users: - name: student sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL # plain_text_passwd: 'password' passwd: '$1$ycyfWkhi$hDr9nyte7elqQcyh07/j0/' shell: /bin/bash lock_passwd: false package_update: true packages: - qemu-guest-agent runcmd: - [ systemctl, enable, --now, qemu-guest-agent ]