====== Утилиты для тестирования сети ======
===== ping =====
* [[https://lingualeo.com/ru/jungle/the-story-of-the-ping-program-188748|The Story of the PING Program]]
debian# apt install iputils-ping
$ ping
$ ping -f gate.isp.un
$ ping -i 0.1 gate.isp.un
$ ping -c 1 -D -s 1472 ya.ru
===== ARP ping =====
freebsd_sh$ ip=; ping -c 1 -W 500 $ip >/dev/null ; arp -an | grep "$ip "
linux$ ip=; ping -c 1 -W 1 $ip >/dev/null ; ip n | grep "$ip "
===== tcpdump =====
linux# tcpdump -i any -n
tcpdump -vn
tcpdump -i em0 -n -s0 -A "port 21 and host 172.16.1.X"
tcpdump -nei em0 ether src 00:0c:29:c5:07:8f
tcpdump -w file.pcap -s0 "port 21 and host 172.16.1.X"
tcpdump -n -r file.pcap -s0 -A
tcpdump -n ip and 'ip[8]=127' # ttl
server# tcpdump -i any -nn src host 192.168.X.10 and "tcp[tcpflags] == tcp-syn"
===== traceroute/tracepath =====
traceroute -n ya.ru
tracepath -n ya.ru
===== DNS =====
* [[Сервис DNS#Утилиты тестирования DNS]]
===== Тестирование производительности =====
==== ttcp ====
* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ttcp|ttcp (Test TCP)]]
==== iPerf ====
* [[Утилита iPerf]]