====== Инструмент GitLab ====== * [[https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/GitLab - Википедия]] * [[https://youtu.be/n_21ya2MoKg|Youtube. RomNero. GitLab. Devops система]] * [[https://qna.habr.com/q/498925|GitLab бесплатен? gitlab-ee vs gitlab-ce]] ===== Установка ===== * RAM от 4Gb ==== Установка из репозитория ==== * [[https://about.gitlab.com/install/|Install self-managed GitLab]] * Доступно из РФ: [[https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce]] server# apt-get install -y curl ca-certificates perl server# curl https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/gitlab/gitlab-ce/script.deb.sh | bash server# time EXTERNAL_URL="http://$(hostname)" apt-get install gitlab-ce ... real 38m49.787s !!! Загрузка может прерываться, надо повторять команду !!! .. ==== Установка через docker-compose ==== * [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/install/docker.html#install-gitlab-using-docker-compose|Install GitLab using Docker Compose]] * [[https://hub.docker.com/r/gitlab/gitlab-ce/tags/|gitlab/gitlab-ce tags (versions)]] * [[Технология Docker]] * [[Технология Docker#docker-compose]] # cat docker-compose.yml version: '3.6' services: web: image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest' # image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ce:16.7.4-ce.0' restart: always hostname: 'server.corpX.un' environment: GITLAB_ROOT_PASSWORD: "strongpassword" GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG: | prometheus_monitoring['enable'] = false gitlab_rails['registry_enabled'] = true gitlab_rails['registry_host'] = "server.corpX.un" external_url 'http://server.corpX.un' registry_external_url 'http://server.corpX.un' gitlab_rails['registry_port'] = "5000" registry['registry_http_addr'] = "server.corpX.un:5000" # external_url 'https://server.corpX.un' # registry_external_url 'https://server.corpX.un:5000' # gitlab_rails['registry_port'] = "5050" # registry['registry_http_addr'] = "server.corpX.un:5050" ports: - '80:80' # - '443:443' - '2222:22' - '5000:5000' volumes: - '/etc/gitlab:/etc/gitlab' - '/srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab' - '/srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab' shm_size: '256m' logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "2048m" # ### cat /etc/gitlab/ssl/gitlab.bmstu.ru.{crt,key} # docker-compose up -d # docker logs root_web_1 -n 10 -f ### docker-compose stop ### rm -r /srv/gitlab/ /etc/gitlab/ ==== Установка через Ansible Role ==== * [[https://galaxy.ansible.com/ui/repo/published/hifis/toolkit/content/role/gitlab/]] ===== Подключение ===== ==== Подключение к Web интерфейсу ===== * http://server.corpX.un/ ==== Подключение через API ==== * Токен доступа: Settings -> Access Tokens ([[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/settings/project_access_tokens.html|Project access tokens]]), в примере достаточно role: Reporter, Scopes: api * Номер проекта: Settings -> General ([[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39559689/where-do-i-find-the-project-id-for-the-gitlab-api|Where do I find the project ID for the GitLab API?]]) * [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56943327/how-to-download-a-single-file-from-gitlab|How to download a single file from GitLab?]] root@node1,2,3:~# curl "http://server.corpX.un/api/v4/projects/2/repository/files/docker-compose.yml/raw" | tee docker-compose.yml или, для НЕ публичных проектов root@node1,2,3:~# curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" "http://server.corpX.un/api/v4/projects/4/repository/files/docker-compose.yml/raw?ref=master" | tee docker-compose.yml * [[Сервис Ansible#ansible-pull]] client1:~/ansible-pull-gpo# cat readme.md sudo -i export BR=main; bash <(curl -s http://gate.corp13.un/api/v4/projects/1/repository/files/start.sh/raw?ref=$BR) ===== Настройка ===== ==== Файл конфигурации ==== # cat /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb ... external_url 'http://server.corpX.un' ... ==== Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск ==== ### docker exec -it root_web_1 bash # gitlab-ctl show-config # time gitlab-ctl reconfigure ... real 2m34.726s ... ==== GitLab Docker Registry ==== * [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/packages/container_registry.html|The Container Registry is automatically enabled and available on your GitLab domain, port 5050 if you’re using the built-in Let’s Encrypt integration]] * [[https://sysadmintalks.ru/insecure-gitlab-registry/|Настройка работы Gitlab с registry без ssl - Sysadmin]] # cat /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb ... registry_external_url 'http://server.corpX.un' gitlab_rails['registry_enabled'] = true gitlab_rails['registry_host'] = "server.corpX.un" gitlab_rails['registry_port'] = "5000" registry['registry_http_addr'] = "server.corpX.un:5000" ... * [[#Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск]] ==== GitLab Grafana ==== # cat /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb ... grafana['http_addr'] = '' ... * [[#Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск]] ==== GitLab Prometheus ==== # cat /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb ... prometheus_monitoring['enable'] = false ... * [[#Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск]] # time rm -rf /var/opt/gitlab/prometheus/data/* ==== Включение TLS ==== * [[https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/ssl.html#configure-https-manually|Configure HTTPS manually]] * [[https://www.techbeatly.com/configure-custom-ssl-to-secure-gitlab-server/|Configure Custom SSL to Secure GitLab Server]] mkdir -p /etc/gitlab/ssl/ cp wild.crt -v /etc/gitlab/ssl/$(hostname).crt cp wild.key -v /etc/gitlab/ssl/$(hostname).key # cat /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb ... external_url 'https://server.corpX.un' ... # nginx['ssl_certificate'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/#{node['fqdn']}.crt" # nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/#{node['fqdn']}.key" ... letsencrypt['enable'] = false ... * [[#Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск]] ==== Управление пользователями ==== === Внутренние пользователи === * Username - login, Name - ФИО # cat /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password * [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60062065/gitlab-initial-root-password|gitlab initial root password reset]] # gitlab-rake "gitlab:password:reset[root]" === Использование LDAP === * [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/auth/ldap/index.html|Integrate LDAP with GitLab]] * [[Установка и настройка OpenLDAP]] * [[Хранение учетных записей UNIX в LDAP]] !!! с атрибутом почты и паролем # cat /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb ... gitlab_rails['ldap_enabled'] = true gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = YAML.load <<-'EOS' main: label: 'LDAP' host: 'server.corpX.un' # host: 'server2.corpX.un' port: 389 # uid: 'uid' uid: 'sAMAccountName' # bind_dn: 'cn=admin,dc=corpX,dc=un' # password: 'secret' bind_dn: 'cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=corpX,dc=un' password: 'Pa$$w0rd' encryption: 'plain' # active_directory: false active_directory: true base: 'dc=corpX,dc=un' EOS ... * [[#Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск]] ===== GitLab Runner ===== * [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32933174/use-gitlab-ci-to-run-tests-locally|Use GitLab CI to run tests locally?]] ==== Установка из пакета ==== * [[https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/linux-manually.html|Install GitLab Runner manually on GNU/Linux]] * [[https://val.bmstu.ru/unix/Git/gitlab-runner_amd64.deb]] (16.10.0) # wget http://gate.isp.un/unix/Git/gitlab-runner_amd64.deb # Version: 17.3.1-1 ##2 часа## curl -LJO "https://gitlab-runner-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/latest/deb/gitlab-runner_amd64.deb" # dpkg -i gitlab-runner_amd64.deb ==== Регистрация ==== # gitlab-runner register --help # export CI_SERVER_URL=http://server.corpX.un # gitlab-runner register ... Enter the GitLab instance URL: http://server.corpX.un Enter the registration token: ... ... Enter tags for the runner: dhcptest, dhcpdeploy или Enter tags for the runner: openvpn1deploy или ansible ... Enter an executor: shell ... или # gitlab-runner register -n --executor "shell" -u http://server.corpX.un -r "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" или по инструкции в "New instance runner" # gitlab-runner register -n --executor "shell" -u http://server.corpX.un -t "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" Перезапускать не нужно # gitlab-runner verify # cat /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml log_level = "debug" ... # systemctl restart gitlab-runner ==== Установка в виде контейнера ==== * [[https://habr.com/ru/companies/cloud4y/articles/710782/|Использование Docker in Docker в GitLab]] gate:~### docker stop gitlab-runner; docker rm gitlab-runner gate:~### rm /srv/gitlab-runner/config/config.toml gate:~# docker run -d --name gitlab-runner --restart always \ -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest === Регистрация DooD === * Включаем Docker [[Технология Docker#Insecure Private Registry]] gate:~# docker run --rm -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner register \ --non-interactive \ --url "http://server.corpX.un/" \ --registration-token "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" \ --executor "docker" \ --docker-image "docker:stable" \ --docker-volumes /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ --description "dood-runner" === Регистрация DinD === * Можно отключить Docker [[Технология Docker#Insecure Private Registry]] gate:~# docker run --rm -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner register \ --non-interactive \ --url "http://server.corpX.un/" \ --token "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" \ --executor "docker" \ --docker-image "docker:stable" \ --docker-privileged \ --description "dind-runner" gate:~# docker volume ls gate:~# docker volume inspect ... === TLS для DooD и DinD === # cp wild.crt /srv/gitlab-runner/config/ docker run --rm -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner register \ ... --url "https://server.corpX.un/" \ --tls-ca-file "/etc/gitlab-runner/wild.crt" \ ... ===== GitLab CI/CD ===== * [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/examples/#cicd-templates|CI/CD templates]] * [[https://medium.com/@ryzmen/gitlab-fast-pipelines-stages-jobs-c51c829b9aa1|GitLab: understanding pipelines, stages, jobs and organising them efficiently for speed and feedback loop]] * [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64725914/how-to-disable-auto-pipelines-in-gitlab|How to disable auto pipelines in gitlab]] ==== Пример shell make ==== IDE GitLab->New File: .gitlab-ci.yml или CI/CD -> Editor -> Configure Pipelines или Build -> Pipeline editor -> Configure Pipelines #stages: # - build # - test # - deploy test1-job: stage: test script: - echo $(date) "Do test dhcpd" >> /tmp/Bash.gitlab-ci.log - make test tags: - dhcptest deploy1-job: stage: deploy script: - echo $(date) "Do deploy dhcpd" >> /tmp/Bash.gitlab-ci.log - sudo make install tags: - dhcpdeploy ==== Пример shell ansible ==== * [[https://asyncdrink.com/blog/gitlab-ci-limit-branch|Limit Gitlab CI pipelines to specific branches]] * [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52169219/get-branch-name-in-gitlab-ci|Get Branch name in gitlab ci]] Administrator@Ra-master ~/openvpn1 (test) λ touch .gitlab-ci.yml или Build -> Pipeline editor -> Configure Pipelines stages: - deploy deploy_test: stage: deploy script: - ansible-playbook openvpn1.yaml -i inventory.yaml -e "variable_host=test_nodes" tags: - openvpn1deploy # - ansible only: - test deploy_prod: stage: deploy script: - ansible-playbook openvpn1.yaml -i inventory.yaml tags: - openvpn1deploy # - ansible only: # - master # - main ==== Пример shell docker ==== * Технология Docker [[Технология Docker#Предоставление прав непривилегированным пользователям]] * [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/docker/using_docker_build.html|Use Docker to build Docker images]] * [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/predefined_variables.html|Predefined variables reference]] * [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#add-a-cicd-variable-to-a-project|Add a CI/CD variable to a project]] # Можно назначить в GitLab (Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables) # export MY_CI_REGISTRY=server.corpX.un:5000 # export MY_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE=student/webd # или использовать встроенные CI_REGISTRY и CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE # поскольку используем этот же проект GitLab как Registry # в GitLab будет установлено автоматически после git commit -m "ver 1.2" и git push # export CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE="ver 1.2" gitlab-runner@server:~/webd$ cat build.sh #!/bin/sh VER="$(echo $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]//g')" # needed once # docker login -u $MY_CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $MY_CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $MY_CI_REGISTRY # docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY docker build -t webd webd #docker run --rm -e MYMODE=TEST webd || exit 1 #docker tag webd $MY_CI_REGISTRY/$MY_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$VER #docker tag webd $MY_CI_REGISTRY/$MY_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE docker tag webd $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$VER docker tag webd $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE # previously need: docker login ... #docker push $MY_CI_REGISTRY/$MY_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$VER #docker push $MY_CI_REGISTRY/$MY_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$VER docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE gitlab-runner@server:~/webd$ cat .gitlab-ci.yml stages: - lintertest - build # - deploy lintertest1: stage: lintertest script: # - echo $(date) "Do a test webd here" >> /tmp/Bash.gitlab-ci.log - shellcheck webd/webd tags: - shellcheck build1: stage: build script: # - echo $(date) "Do a build webd here" >> /tmp/Bash.gitlab-ci.log # - env | tee -a /tmp/Bash.gitlab-ci.log - sh build.sh tags: - webdbuild #deploy1: # stage: deploy # script: # - sh deploy.sh # tags: # - webddeploy ### OR .gitlab-ci.yml for gowebd-k8s project running from another pipeline ### #deploy1: # stage: deploy # variables: # HELM_NAMESPACE: "my-ns" # rules: # - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "pipeline" && $VER' # script: # - env # - envsubst < my-webd-deployment-env.yaml | kubectl apply -f - -n my-ns # - helm upgrade -i my-webd webd-chart/ --set=image.tag=$VER --create-namespace ==== Пример shell Kubernetes ==== gitlab-runner@server:~/webd$ cp my-webd-deployment.yaml my-webd-deployment-env.yaml или gitlab-runner@server:~/gowebd-k8s$ scp root@node1:my-webd-deployment.yaml my-webd-deployment-env.yaml gitlab-runner@server:~/webd$ cat my-webd-deployment-env.yaml ... image: server.corpX.un:5000/student/webd:$VER ... # в GitLab будет устанавлено автоматически gitlab-runner@gate:~/webd$ export CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE="ver 1.2" gitlab-runner@gate:~/webd$ cat deploy.sh #!/bin/sh #alias kubectl='minikube kubectl --' kubectl apply -f my-webd-deployment.yaml -n my-ns #export VER="$(echo $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.]//g')" #envsubst < my-webd-deployment-env.yaml | kubectl apply -f - -n my-ns kubectl apply -f my-webd-service.yaml -n my-ns #export HELM_NAMESPACE=my-ns #helm upgrade --install my-webd webd-chart/ --set=image.tag=$VER --create-namespace gitlab-runner@server:~/$ kubectl describe replicaset.apps/my-webd-NNNNNNNNNNN -n my-ns ==== Пример CI с использованием контейнеров ==== * [[https://akyriako.medium.com/build-golang-docker-images-with-gitlab-ci-pipelines-2117f8505350|Build Golang Docker images with GitLab CI Pipelines]] * [[https://blog.callr.tech/building-docker-images-with-gitlab-ci-best-practices/|Best practices for building docker images with GitLab CI]] * [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63693061/how-to-run-a-script-from-file-in-another-project-using-include-in-gitlab-ci|How to run a script from file in another project using include in GitLab CI?]] * [[https://medium.com/@captain_sparrow/gitlab-%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B3%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%8B-%D0%B8-%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%85-%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2-%D0%B8%D1%85-%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%82-%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C-afa04f8c78a7|Gitlab триггеры и для каких тестов их стоит использовать?]] * [[https://earthly.dev/blog/docker-vs-buildah-vs-kaniko/|Container Image Build Tools: Docker vs. Buildah vs. kaniko]] * [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/docker/using_kaniko.html|Use kaniko to build Docker images]] * [[https://eng.d2iq.com/blog/a-tale-of-two-container-image-tools-skopeo-and-crane/|A Tale of Two Container Image Tools: Skopeo and Crane]] student@client1:~/gowebd$ cat .gitlab-ci.yml stages: # - lint - build # - test - push # - deploy #variables: # DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "" #services: # - name: docker:dind # command: # [ # '--insecure-registry=server.corpX.un:5000', # ] before_script: - env # - docker info - echo -n $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD | docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER --password-stdin $CI_REGISTRY Build: stage: build # image: # name: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.9.0-debug # entrypoint: [""] script: - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest || true - > docker build --pull --cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest --tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA . - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA # - echo "{\"auths\":{\"${CI_REGISTRY}\":{\"auth\":\"$(printf "%s:%s" "${CI_REGISTRY_USER}" "${CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD}" | base64 | tr -d '\n')\"},\"$CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_SERVER\":{\"auth\":\"$(printf "%s:%s" ${CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_USER} "${CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_PASSWORD}" | base64 | tr -d '\n')\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json # - /kaniko/executor # --insecure --skip-tls-verify # --context "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" # --dockerfile "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/Dockerfile" # --destination "${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" # except: # - tags Push latest: # image: # name: gcr.io/go-containerregistry/crane:debug # entrypoint: [""] variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none stage: push only: - main script: - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA - docker tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest # - crane auth login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY # - crane --insecure cp $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest Push tag: # image: # name: gcr.io/go-containerregistry/crane:debug # entrypoint: [""] variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none stage: push only: - tags script: - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA - docker tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME # - crane auth login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY # - crane --insecure cp $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME ### Not work in DooD #Lint test: # stage: lint # script: # - pwd # - docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app golangci/golangci-lint:v1.62.2 golangci-lint run --timeout=10m # except: # - tags #Smoke test: # stage: test # script: # - MY_ID=$(docker run -d --rm $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA) # - MY_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $MY_ID) # - docker run --rm alpine/curl -sS $MY_IP # - docker stop $MY_ID # except: # - tags #Deploy: # variables: # VER: "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" # stage: deploy # only: # - tags # trigger: # project: student/gowebd-k8s ===== Сервер OpenID ===== * [[https://github.com/zmartzone/mod_auth_openidc/wiki/GitLab-OAuth2]] * [[Сервис HTTP#Управление доступом к HTTP серверу с использованием OpenID аутентификации]] * Admin Area-> Applications Name: test-cgi Redirect URI: http://gate.corp13.un/cgi-bin/test-cgi !!! Если URL каталога, то без финального "/" !!! Trusted: Yes Confidential: Yes Scopes: openid Application ID: ... Secret: ... Callback URL = Redirect URI ===== Клиент OpenID ===== * [[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/auth/oidc.html|You can use GitLab as a client application with OpenID Connect as an OmniAuth provider]] * [[https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/196193|use self-signed to integate gitlab with keycloak but see error: certificate verify failed (self signed certificate))]] * [[https://forum.gitlab.com/t/using-keycloak-as-sso-for-gitlab-with-pre-existing-users-no-autocreate/67833|Using Keycloak as SSO for Gitlab with pre-existing users (no autocreate)]] # cp server.crt /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/ или # cp ca.crt /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/ # cat /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb ... gitlab_rails['omniauth_providers'] = [ { name: "openid_connect", # do not change this parameter label: "Keycloak", # optional label for login button, defaults to "Openid Connect" args: { name: "openid_connect", scope: ["openid", "profile", "email"], response_type: "code", # issuer: "https://keycloak.example.com/realms/myrealm", issuer: "https://keycloak.corpX.un/realms/corpX", client_auth_method: "query", discovery: true, uid_field: "preferred_username", pkce: true, client_options: { # identifier: "", identifier: "any-client", # secret: "", secret: "anystring", # redirect_uri: "https://gitlab.example.com/users/auth/openid_connect/callback" redirect_uri: "https://gate.corpX.un/users/auth/openid_connect/callback" } } } ] ... * [[#Проверка конфигурации и перезапуск]] * User -> Profile -> Account -> Select a service to sign in with -> Keycloak