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Использование списков доступа

Доступ к vty

no access-list 1
! access-list 1 permit host 192.168.X.101
access-list 1 permit host 192.168.X.10
access-list 1 permit host 192.168.X.4
access-list 1 deny any

line vty 0 15
! no login ! for no password access
 access-class 1 in

Фильтрация пакетов

ip access-list extended ACL_FIREWALL
 permit tcp any host 192.168.X.3 eq www
 permit icmp any any
 permit udp any any
 permit tcp any any established
 deny   ip any any log

interface FastEthernet1/1
 ip access-group ACL_FIREWALL in


ip access-list standard ACL_NAT
 permit 192.168.100+X.0
 deny any

ip nat inside source list ACL_NAT interface FastEthernet1/1 overload 

interface FastEthernet1/0
 ip nat inside

interface FastEthernet1/1
 ip nat outside
router# show ip nat tr
router# clear ip nat tr *
использование_списков_доступа.1289906224.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/05/22 13:50 (external edit)